
来源:党委宣传部 姜程科发布时间:2022-05-07

5月4日,中国国际广播电台的英语资讯广播(CGTN Radio)新闻纵贯线(The Beijing Hour)栏目播报永利官网研究生支教团成员、化学工程学院赵贝瑜的西部支教事迹。





More Chinese university students choose to teach in remote areas


A growing number of Chinese university students are volunteering to teach in rural and remote areas, doing their part in China's poverty-alleviation campaign.

Zhao Beiyu is a postgraduate student from Zhejiang University of Technology.


Zhao Beiyu is teaching biology to ninth-grade students.

Last August, She participated in a campaign launched by her school and started teaching in a remote town in Sichuan Province. Since then she has been teaching math to a class in first grade and biology to two classes in ninth grade.

She says her journey did not start very well.

I remember last August when I first set out to Sichuan, it was raining heavily. The village I was assigned to is situated on a mountain. The road conditions were terrible. After we arrived there, I found that everyone was speaking Sichuan dialect which I didn't understand at all. The students there would answer my questions in their dialect, and I didn't know what they were talking about. I was feeling out of place back then.

However, after some time, she gradually adapted herself to the new environment.

After 9 months, I can now speak fluently in Sichuan dialect and the students will greet me warmly when they see me at the school. On my birthday they gave me many presents. Now I think this experience is priceless to me.

This is actually not the first time Zhao Beiyu has taught in a remote rural area.

In her sophomore year, Zhao spent a month during summer vacation teaching in Guizhou Province, one of the poorest regions in China.

Zhao says that she was stunned by what she learned.

During my stay there, I found that most of the kids there didn't know why they were going to school. When they grew up, most of them simply chose to make a living by helping their parents with the farm work. So it's not only about the scarce education resources. Their mindset also needs to change.

While in Guizhou, she made up her mind to spend more time volunteering in poverty-stricken communities.

After that month, I decided to join in similar campaigns in the future, and teach for a longer time. I hope that I could at least do my part in improving education in backward regions. I think this would be one of the most meaningful experiences in my whole lifetime.

An increasing number of university students in China now opt to teach in remote and rural areas where teachers are badly needed.

Yang Qing is a student majoring in education at Hainan Normal University. She has been teaching information technology to fifth graders in Xinjiang since a year ago.

I've dreamt of being a teacher since I was a child. So in my junior year, when I heard about this teaching campaign launched by my school, I immediately signed my name. The students here are passionate and adorable, and the people in Xinjiang are also very nice. Every time I teach a class and see my students listening carefully to me, I can feel I am needed and get a sense of value.

In 2003, the Communist Youth League of China and the Education Ministry co-launched a program to encourage Chinese university students to teach in remote and rural areas in Western China. So far more than 300,000 students have participated in this program.

Non-governmental organizations have also joined in by launching similar programs.



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